First Time Login Details
- Navigate to our Homepage and click Online Banking
- Click the First Time User link
- Enter the necessary information (Account Number & SSN)
- Enter the necessary information (Account Number & SSN)
- Select the preferred delivery method for your activation code (either email or text message)
- Enter the code within 24 hours to finish your new Online Banking setup
Password Requirements:
A strong password is typically at least six characters with a combination of upper-case and lower-case letters, numbers and special characters.
First Time Login Details
A computer system used to maintain member’s accounts and information as well as process transactions.
Yes, your personal data and account information will be safe and secure, as always.
Yes, your funds are safe. All accounts will continue to be insured by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) Share Insurance Fund up to
$250,000 per account.

The username and password you create during your first-time login will also be used to log in to mobile banking.
New Suffixes
Savings: 000
Additional Savings: 001-019
Junior Savings: 010-014
Kids Savings: 015-019
Christmas Club: 050-054
Money Market Savings: 060-064
Checking Accounts: 100-109
Junior Checking: 130-139
Business Checking: 170-179
Non-Profit Checking: 180-189
New Auto: 500-509
Used Auto: 510-519
Unsecured Loan: 610-624